September 27, 2022

From Response to Recovery and Moving Forward with a New Normal after COVID-19

The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has released a world of uncertainty. Dealing with this disruption has been a challenge for businesses of all sizes. It is difficult to envision next month le...

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The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has released a world of uncertainty. Dealing with this disruption has been a challenge for businesses of all sizes. It is difficult to envision next month let alone next year! How do you move ahead in this case? These few guidelines can help businesses plan for Response To Recovery

  • Respond: Response to the crisis situation and manages business continuity

During the crisis situation for most businesses, the priority has been crisis response. It is also focused on health, safety, essential services, getting adjusted to remote work culture, and managing the workforce remotely.

  • Recover: Business disaster recovery and emergence

The recovery process for most businesses is to focus on dealing with the immediate demands of the crisis. However, it is also planning for the new normal. Return and rethinking work, workforce & infrastructure.

  • Move Forward: How an organization prepares for and moves ahead with the “new normal”

The following critical actions will help businesses to transition from response to recovery and move on with the new normal:

  • Review what has worked, what are the lessons learned, and what has been missed in the response—Analyzing the situation
  • Reassure the employees and stakeholders that their well-being and focus on their physical, psychological, and financial concerns—at home and in the workplace is your first priority
  • Restructure and redeploy key functions, operations, and the workforce to maximize potential and contribution for rapidly evolving organizational priorities
  • Rethink work, workforce, and workplaces to leverage experiences of the COVID-19 response

Building Resilience is no more a choice

The above actions can help businesses to associate the crisis response with the new normal. It also allows for creating the foundation to move forward in the aftermath of the crisis.

But first, you need to resolve exactly where and how the crisis has affected your existing business model. You also have to identify where the risks and opportunities lie as a result.

Putting together a Risk management team for establishing a protocol for identifying significant disruptions is Important. It evaluates their importance for business continuity given the highly disrupted environment. That’s why creating a sustainable strategy is of utmost importance.

An adaptive business continuity strategy combined with necessary tools and techniques, and periodic reviews, so it can respond quickly to the inevitable changes, will help your business become more resilient and prepare you to move forward into the new normal.
